Your trusted construction partner, successfully operating in the field of buildings and structures since 1992.

About us

Main activity is the provision of project management and general contracting services

We are committed to comprehensive construction solutions, from the selection of the site to the obtaining of the building’s occupancy permit and handover to the client. Our experience and trusted design partners enable us to deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Object ei ole toetatud®
AS Megaron-E on edukalt tegutsenud hoonete ja rajatiste valdkonnas alates 1992. aastast. Ettevõtte põhitegevusalaks on peatöövõtu- ja projektijuhtimisteenuste pakkumine nii enda kui ka kutsutud erinevate valdkondade spetsialistide osalusel.

Our services

General contracting

The company's main focus is the provision of a general contracting service involving a wide range of specialists, both in-house and external.

Structural engineering

Thanks to our long experience and partnerships, we are able to offer integrated services, ensuring economical solution.

Project management

We ensure timely delivery of clients' projects through our proficient project management and experienced team.


AS Megaron-E is committed to providing a high quality and comprehensive construction services.

Latest work

Riisipere Central Building

Address: Nissi tee 53c, Saue vald
Client: Saue Vallavalitsus
Completed: 2021

Pirita Family Medicine Centre

Address: Kloostrimetsa tee 29, Pirita
Client: Pirita Perearstikeskus OÜ
Completed: 2021

Paide State School

Addresss: Posti 12, Paide
Client: Riigi Kinnisvara AS
Completed: 2021

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